Covid Vaccines are available for everyone. No more waiting. Please call to set up an appointment.

Whether you’re new to Main Street Medical Clinic or you’ve been with us for a while, we want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! It’s time to take time off work, enjoy a great meal, and spend time with your family. What are you thankful for this year? Here’s what the team at MSMC is celebrating this Thanksgiving!

Main Street Medical Clinic wants to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Here’s what we’re thankful for this fall. #MainStreetMedical #Thanksgiving Share on X

New and Returning Patients

We value our patients and their loyalty to our services and providers. Whether you’re a new patient or returning, the choices you make towards preventive health such as getting your vaccines and wellness exams, are greatly appreciated. We’re grateful for the advances that we’ve made this year by our patients allowing us to assist them. 

Our New Spring/Woodlands Location

Main Street Clinics is grateful for our new and improved location in The Woodlands and Spring area. Just off the corner of Woodline and Spring Ridge, this location is easily accessible to our patients. The look and feel of our office are very welcoming, inviting patients to feel totally comfortable here. 

Superstar Team of Providers & Staff

Our providers always go the extra mile when it comes to their patients’ needs. We’re grateful for the hard work they have put in towards bettering the lives of others. Our Woodlands and Huntsville staff’s dedication to Main Street Medical Clinic is valued by patients and doctors alike. 

Pro Tip: Before visiting family this Thanksgiving, make sure you’ve had a flu shot! Practice healthy habits at the dinner table, like washing your hands before eating.


As the holiday season begins, we hope you can take the time to be with your loved ones and enjoy Thanksgiving. Those of us at Main Street Medical look forward to helping you make this busy season an enjoyable one!