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While eating healthy is a requirement to maintain good health, many people have ended up implementing many diet myths. One factor that has caused the diet myths to trend is the internet. Many blogs and posts talk about diet, making it quite tricky to know what to trust and what to leave. Thankfully, this guide explores some of the myths.

Here are some of the diet myths circulating on the internet. Don't be fooled by any of them. #mainstreetmedical Share on X

What are some common diet myths? 

Whether you want to lose excess weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, you need to separate the facts from the diet myths. Otherwise, you’ll end up losing weight the wrong way. Here are some of the myths you’ve probably heard elsewhere. 

  1. Carbs are Evil 
  2. Never Snack
  3. You Need to Exercise Frequently and Intensely
  4. Only Eat Foods Low in Fat

1) Carbs are Evil

You’ve perhaps heard that carbs are fattening. That is not true because carbohydrates have less than half the calories fat has. However, you should keep an eye on the sizes and types of carbs you consume. Some carbs have additions that are high in calories. A few examples are the creamy sauces on pasta or butter on baked potatoes.

2) Never Snack

If someone told you not to eat snacks, they were mistaken. Eating healthy snacks between main meals will help you control your appetite. Some of the healthy snack choices to eat include fruits, vegetables, unsalted nuts, unsalted seeds, and dairy products like yogurt. If you make the right choice, snacking can offer you a nutrient boost.

3) You Need to Exercise Frequently and Intensely

You’ve probably heard that performing regular and intense exercises is more vital than eating food when on a weight loss diet. You don’t have to run a marathon to stay active or gain healthy weight. Even the lowest-intensity exercise will consume some energy in your body. You can walk around, do some house chores, or even go to the garden.

4) Only Eat Foods Low in Fat

Nobody should fool you to eat low-fat foods only. When you replace fat with other food ingredients, the chances are that you’ll still choose products high in calories or sugar. Besides, the quantity of food you eat also matters. For instance, there will be no difference in the number of calories when you eat a low-fat product twice and a full-fat product once.

Consult Your Doctor Before Dieting

Now that you know some of the diet myths that have flooded the internet, you’ll easily know what to eat or avoid. But since there are still more diet myths circulating, it’s essential to seek professional medical advice before dieting. That will help you find out what’s best for you. The good news is, Main Street Medical can help you do that.

Contact us to learn more about diet myths and their implications.