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Diabetic retinopathy is one of the primary causes of blindness among diabetic patients. If detected in the early stages, the risk of severe vision loss will reduce by 90 percent. Thanks to the RetinaVue 100 Imager, which has made retinopathy screening simple. Unfortunately, many diabetic patients don’t undergo screening for retinopathy.

Performing diabetic eye exams through RetinaVue™ 100 Imager can help to detect diabetic retinopathy early. Learn more. Click To Tweet

Diabetes can occur when an individual has excess sugar in the blood, leading to serious health issues. While glucose is a vital energy source for the body cells, it can cause diabetes when available in excess. If you have diabetes, you are at risk of losing sight. It is essential to have the eyes checked by retinal specialists.

Now, let’s look at the two types of diabetes and their causes.

Two Types of Diabetes

Diabetes can affect the blood vessels in the body, particularly in the eyes and kidneys. As a result, the patient can develop diabetic retinopathy or kidney disease, respectively.

Here are the two types of diabetes that can cause chronic symptoms.

  • Type 1 Diabetes: This type of diabetes occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys part of the pancreas that releases insulin. This type of diabetes can occur at any age, but it often appears in childhood or adolescence.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: This type of diabetes occurs when the body develops insulin resistance, allowing blood sugar levels to build up. Type 2 diabetes can develop at any age but more common in adults older than 40.

Causes of Diabetes

Now that you know the different types of diabetes, you’ll quickly understand diabetes causes.

Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes develops when the immune system attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas. However, it’s unclear what causes the attack. It may be due to a viral infection that prompts the immune system attack or gene-related in some people.

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

A combination of lifestyle factors and genetics can cause Type 2 diabetes. Being obese or overweight will also increase the risk of developed type 2 diabetes. Note that this type of diabetes is hereditary and can affect family members.  

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle with Diabetes

To maintain a healthy lifestyle with diabetes, practice the following:

  • Eat healthy foods that are lower in calories and fat
  • Perform aerobic physical activity more often
  • Visit a doctor to perform diabetic eye exams
  • Lose excess pounds if you are overweight

Diabetic Eye Exams at Main Street Medical

Since diabetes mellitus can damage the retinal blood vessels and cause blindness, it’s essential to perform diabetic eye exams using the Welch Allyn Retinavue 100 Imager. At Main Street Medical, we have board-certified retina specialists and ophthalmologists who offer primary care to diabetic patients. After the test, you’ll get a diagnostic report.

Contact us to learn more about diabetic retinopathy and its effects.